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Klub John Williams [ŽP: 8 týdnů] (kategorie Hudba) moderuje E-Wan.
Domovská stránka aktualizována 20.2.2024 13:59

"You don't really need images to understand the story, John Williams is the greatest musical story teller of all times" - Steven Spielberg

JOHN WILLIAMS Fan Network - JWFAN  (autor: Ricard L. Befan)

The JOHN WILLIAMS Collection  (autor: Markus Hable)

The Legacy of John Williams  (autor: Maurizio Caschetto)

John Williams - Somewhere in My Memory  (autor: Émanuel Champagne)

John Williams Compositional Technique blog  (autor: Leandro Gardini)

John Williams: mistr vesmírného zvuku  (autor: Petr Kocanda)

List of compositions by John Williams  (zdroj: Wikipedia)

John Williams discography  (zdroj: Wikipedia)

John Williams bibliography  (autor: Tristan Paré-Morin)

John Williams scores - by film studio  (autor: Jason LeBlanc)

John Williams scores - by music label  (autor: Jason LeBlanc)

John Williams scores - by specialty label  (autor: Jason LeBlanc)

The John Williams Expanded Score Master Spreadsheet

The Next Matessino/Williams/Spielberg Expansion

CD vydaná od začátku roku 2018:

The Post
John Williams Conductor (20CD box set)
Star Wars: A New Hope - Remastered
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - Remastered
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Remastered
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - Remastered
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones - Remastered
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith - Remastered
Superman IV - The Quest for Peace (2CD set)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (John Powell)
The Cowboys: The Deluxe Edition (OOP)
Saving Private Ryan
Superman II & III (3CD set, OOP)
Dracula: The Deluxe Edition (2CD set, OOP)
Schindler's List (2CD set, OOP)
Land of the Giants (4CD set, OOP)
Harry Potter - The John Williams Soundtrack Collection (7CD box set)

Superman: The Movie (3CD set, OOP)
Hooten Plays Williams (OOP)
Monsignor (OOP)
Across the Stars
Across the Stars: Deluxe Edition (CD+DVD, OOP)
Minority Report (2CD set)
Disaster Movie Soundtrack Collection (4CD box set)
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Far and Away (2CD set, OOP)
The River (OOP)
John Williams in Vienna (OOP)
John Williams - Live in Vienna: Deluxe Edition (CD+BluRay, OOP)
War of the Worlds (2CD set)

John Williams in Vienna - Live Edition (2CD set)
The Time Tunnel - Vol. 1 (3CD set)
A.I. Artificial Inteligence (3CD set, reissue)
The Eiger Sanction (2CD set)
Fiddler on the Roof (3CD set)

John Williams: Complete Philips Recordings (21CD box set)
John Williams: The Berlin Concert (2CD set)
John Williams: The Berlin Concert (2CD+2BluRay)
SpaceCamp (2CD set)
A Gathering of Friends
Presumed Innocent: The Deluxe Edition (OOP)
Violin Concerto No.2 & Selected Film Themes
Jurassic Park (2CD set)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (2CD set)
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (2CD set)
Amistad (2CD set)
The Fabelmans

Sabrina (2CD set)
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (OOP)
The Lost World: Jurassic Park (2CD set)
John Williams: Live in Vienna - Special Edition (2CD set)
The Legend of John Williams (20CD set)
Hook - The Ultimate Edition (3CD set)
Heidi / Jane Eyre (2CD set)

Indiana Jones: The Complete Collection (5CD box set)

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rocketeer Rocketeer Music makes me happy 15.3.2019 00:01  8003
:-) povedený
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 20.2.24) 14.3.2019 21:48 - Odhlášení (13:42) 8002
Rocketeer: Jo, a tuhle znáš?
rocketeer Rocketeer Music makes me happy 14.3.2019 17:29  8001
nevím zda znáte, čas 4,35
hana_an Hana an 14.3.2019 09:44  8000
Zmíněný koncert E.T. z živou hudbou byl zrušen, včera mi přišel e-mail, že se budou vracet vstupenky... :-(
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 20.2.24) 13.3.2019 22:17 - Odhlášení (13:42) 7999

Kolikátá v pořadí zrušená projekce filmu s živou hudbou to už je? :(
rocketeer Rocketeer Music makes me happy 12.3.2019 12:03  7998
NP: Krypton - zajímavé hudební odkazy na Supermana, včetně hlavního motivu, dále na práci JW a srandovní "parodie" na Cantina band v podobě Kems cantina, střídavě více či méně elektroniky, po Captain Marvel další příjemné překvapení, které si ještě poslechnu pořádněji
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 12.3.2019 08:40 - Oblíbené kluby (13:15) 7997
The last 500 ET sets should be in any day now

SUPERMAN is selling great. About 3500 already flew out the door

AI Is almost sold out for good. Now is your chance to grab it
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 12.3.2019 00:28 - Oblíbené kluby (13:15) 7996
John Williams' masterpiece is shutting down for good. The last 200 units are up for sale. Grab it now before its too late!
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 20.2.24) 11.3.2019 22:40 - Odhlášení (13:42) 7995
Další Williamsův soundtrack od Intrady během několika měsíců
Podle oficiálního vyjádření Rogera Feigelsona (viz zde) by letos měla Intrada vydat nějaký soundtrack Johna Williamse!
Vzhledem k tomu, s jakými studii a vydavatelstvými Intrada spolupracuje, jsou nejvíce pravděpodobné některé z těchto soundtracků:

Monsignor (Fox) - Intrada sice už jednou vydala, ale Mike Matessino před časem naznačil, že se našly původní mastery s kompletní hudbou!
Valley of the Dolls (Fox)
Fiddler on the Roof (MGM)
Earthquake (Universal)
The Eiger Sanction (Universal)
The River (Universal)
Born on the Fourth of July (Universal)
Always (Universal)
Far and Away (Universal)
Nixon (Walt Disney)

Nejvíc bych si asi přál The River, Born on the Fourth of July a Nixona, ale bral bych vlastně cokoli z toho.
Celkem by mě zajímal i ten Monsignor, což je mimochodem jediný Williamsův soundtrack, který nahrál s Londýnským symfonickým orchestrem, který dosud nevyšel v rozšířené podobě! ;)

Škoda jen, že Disney si drží Star Wars a Indiana Jonese pro sebe a nenechá nikoho jiného je vydat :(
A možná ještě větší škoda je, že John Williams si nepřeje, aby se vydaly některé z jeho soundtracků k filmům Universalu z období před Čelistmi.
Minimálně se ví o těchto třech OST: The Sugarland Express, Storia di una donna (Story of a Woman) a The Rare Breed
I když Mike Matessino v nějakém rozhovoru řekl, že se Johna Williamse snaží přesvědčit, aby svůj názor změnil :) Minimálně ten Sugarlandský express plánoval vydal La-La Land jako první z jejich série Universal Heritage Collection, ale nakonec se rozhodly respektovat přání skladatele a projekt stopli. Moc dobře nechápu, proč se zrovna u těchto titulů John Williams vydání soundtracku tak brání :( I když nejspíš každý skladatel má nějaký svůj soundtrack, na který z nějakého důvodu není úplně hrdý a nepřeje si ho vydat.
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 20.2.24) 11.3.2019 19:22 - Odhlášení (13:42) 7994
A.I....FINAL 200 UNITSGrab it now before its gone for good
pepak pepak - 9.3.2019 20:16  7993
Hlavně aby dirigoval Chuhei Iwasaki!
rocketeer Rocketeer Music makes me happy 9.3.2019 18:08  7992
Rudolfinum a hudba Johna Williamse, skvělá kombinace

e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 20.2.24) 9.3.2019 00:22 - Odhlášení (13:42) 7991
“Music has been an integral part of Star Wars from the moment the iconic themes of Academy Award-winning® composer John Williams first introduced us to this galaxy. The music for Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge continues that tradition with a suite of all-new Williams-composed themes written especially for the land and its attractions. Along with a collection of original cantina songs created by composers and songwriters from around the globe, this new music will deepen guests' connection to the land as Williams complements and builds upon the iconic fanfares he created for the Star Wars films.”
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 20.2.24) 6.3.2019 18:29 - Odhlášení (13:42) 7990
Why are there long stretches of silence at the end of some tracks rather than just trimming it off and going to the next track?
The most noticeable example is the 10 seconds of silence at the end of "Pushing Boulders/Flying to Lois", and the 10 seconds preceding that is just the orchestra fading out so quietly that I could only hear it by cranking the volume up really high.
Just wondering what the thinking was behind those decisions.

Mike Matessino: First of all if one listens carefully you might find that the music is trailing off very quietly and reaches total silence much later than might be apparent. Secondly, there is the issue of giving the ears a rest after a long fortissimo climactic action sequence, and in this case if you look at what the music is actually accompanying, then I likely felt the music should mirror the emotions of the story -- capturing the quiet mourning of Lois' death, then giving a moment of silent grief, and then the "subito" explosion of anger as Superman screams and takes to the skies in defiance of his father. I tend to address these things emotionally and rhythmically when it comes to this part of the process and I go with what feels right. On this score I considered all of those factors and felt that we needed a little beat of silence there, which the film also gives us.
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 20.2.24) 5.3.2019 19:09 - Odhlášení (13:42) 7989
Why are The Fortress of Solitude and Lex Luthor's Lair labeled "Extended Version"? Is that just to differentiate them from the Album?

Mike Matessino: "(Extended Version)" is added to tracks that are principally the same as ones on the original album but are either longer or otherwise more reflective of what's heard in the film. This is an administrative thing. Ditto separating "The Crash Site" (Williams requested title change), which was not on the original album., so that is administrated by WB whereas "Growing Up" is with WMG.

What was the level of involvement by Mr. Williams with this specific release (at least one cue title change, obviously), and what was his reaction to the discovery of the First Gen tapes?

Mike Matessino: Fully supportive, thrilled the tapes were found, and as he was resting at home after his illness he sat and listened to the whole thing in November and loved it. I got a few notes about levels, but that's it apart from not liking the title "Baby Makes an Entrance."

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