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Klub Marco Beltrami [ŽP: 8 týdnů] (kategorie Hudba) moderuje Lokutus.
Oficiální stránky

fanouškovské stránky I
fanouškovské stránky II
Soundtracknet interview 8/9/1998
Interview - Holywood Reporter 20/4/2004
Interview - Scoring with genre films pt. 1
Interview - Scoring with genre films pt. 2
Interview - Scorelogue - Dracula 2000
An evening with Marco Beltrami on the phone
Interview -
OSTweb: tabulka Marca Beltramiho

Vybrané releasy:

- Love and Monsters, Michael Matthews, USA 16. října 2020, trailer

Následující projekty:
- A Quiet Place: Part II, John Krasinski, USA 17. září 2021, trailer
- Chaos Walking, Doug Liman, USA 22. ledna 2021, trailer
- Fear Street, Leigh Janiak, USA 2021, trailer, oficiální stránky
- Fear Street 2, Leigh Janiak, USA 2021, trailer, oficiální stránky
- Fear Street 3, Leigh Janiak, USA 2021, trailer, oficiální stránky
- The Cowboys, Tommy Lee Jones, USA TBA, trailer, oficiální stránky

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lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 9.4.2018 11:34 - Pošta (17:15) 1740
I thought the movie was excellent and very original.

Beltrami's music really scared me in Joy Ride. He delivers a lot of scary music in The Quiet Place, and I felt the score was very effective. He also has some touching lyrical music for the family.

I doubt I would listen to this score as a stand-alone, but I thought Beltrami delivered a perfect score for this movie.

I will elaborate, but I don’t want to provide any spoilers. First of all I found this movie to be a survivalist story with a different twist. It isn’t about 10 American soldier surrounded by hundreds of Nazis, nor about a family in witness protection surrounded by the Mafia. It isn’t about a plane crash with two survivors trying to survive bears, snow, cold etc. The real enemy in this movie is SOUND, which I found unique. The script plays with interesting ideas about sound. How do you play a board game like Monopoly without sound? How can one possibly keep a new born from crying? I think John Krasinski provided rather unique details about how people can prepare to exist in silence.

Krasinski and Emily Blunt are excellent actors in this movie, especially Blunt. I also felt that the children did a fine job. I cared about this family.

Krasinski directed a tightly-knit movie without padding. There were a few places that tugged at my heartstrings, but I won’t describe those places because of spoilers.

I have found that most “Horror” movies are now really gore fests, which doesn’t scare me. This isn’t a gory movie; however, it did in places truly scare me or make me jump. Also, scary movies often have a frightening scene followed by a restful period and then another scary scene. In the last hour, this movie was relentless in its action. No rest for me and no time to get bored.

From the trailers, I thought I could predict everything, but the movie provided some interesting surprises.

Sound editing was very strong, and I thought the score matched the visuals. I did see one or two flaws in the narrative which I can’t mention, and some people won’t like the ending, but it worked for me. As I said, I see this as a survivalist movie that was certainly different from our current ubiquitous Marvel and Star Wars films. Guess I needed a change.

There is a very good novel call Bird Box by Josh Malermann that also deals with some of these ideas (not sound), and it is being made into a movie starring Sandra Bullock. Might be interesting to compare that movie to this one.

This is just my opinion.
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 6.4.2018 22:03 - Pošta (17:15) 1739
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 5.4.2018 00:21 - Pošta (17:15) 1738
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 2.4.2018 22:24 - Pošta (17:15) 1737
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 19.3.2018 23:16 - Pošta (17:15) 1736
A Quiet Place"For a movie with such sparse dialogue, “A Quiet Place” often gives way to annoying bursts of shrieking strings to jolt its audience, as if they can’t be trusted to find the disquieting mood sufficiently freaky. (It’s almost like producer Michael Bay kept turning up the volume, before Krasinski could bat his hand away). Thankfully, Marco Beltrami’s score largely sticks to a low rumble that hovers on the same wavelength as the characters’ unease. While their relationships are crudely drawn, they retain an elevated quality within the movie’s unique narrative framework."


"Unfortunately, A Quiet Place is not without flaws, as Krasinski relies too heavily on jump scares and Marco Beltrami’s score to create horror instead of letting the story and the creatures speak for themselves. This film feels like a Cormac McCarthy movie, while also looking like the best Spielberg/George A. Romero mix you can imagine."
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 17.3.2018 23:30 - Pošta (17:15) 1735
první recenze
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 17.3.2018 23:28 - Pošta (17:15) 1734
FREE SOLO hotovo!

Na dalším projektu jsou už práce v plným produ a vypadá i dost zajímavě (hlavně co se obsazení týče) :)
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 16.3.2018 13:17 - Pošta (17:15) 1733
MovieScore Media reunites with Marco Beltrami with another acclaimed score by the composer. Directed by Aleksey Uchitel, Mathilde was the most discussed Russian film of 2017 due to its controversial depiction of the Romanov family. The movie tells the story of the supposed romantic relationship between the heir to the Russian throne, Nicholas Romanov, and the ballerina of the Imperial Theater, Matilda Kshesinskaya. The story opens with the first meeting between the 22-year-old crown prince and 18-year-old ballerina in 1890, then follows the tormented affair up until the coronation of Nicholas and his wife Aleksandra in 1896. Coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the revolution that lead to the tsar’s abdication, Mathilde spans gorgeous costumes and a emotionally charged score to match the drama.

“I was immediately drawn to the story, the costumes, the sets… it was simply a gorgeous looking movie” says Marco about the film. Using only a handful of themes to underscore the forbidden affair, the music is anchored by Mathilde’s theme for the young dancer who finds herself in royal intrigue. The other major thematic elements include a lively chase theme written around a violin solo (‘Twilight of the Empire’) and a sinister theme for the proto-Rasputin mystic Dr. Fishel (‘Fishel’s Holograph’) and some chase sequences that highlight the composer’s skills in using unobtrusive electronic elements that don’t sound out-of-place in a historical films either (“Tent Attack”, “Bear Attack”).

Following his groundbreaking score for Scream, Marco Beltrami became the most reliable genre composer following the adventures of alien invaders (The Faculty), vampires (Blade II), ghosts (The Woman in Black) and zombies (World War Z). He is frequently trusted with scoring the most valuable Hollywood properties: he worked on the remakes of The Omen, The Thing and Carrie, but he also took over from Michael Kamen on the last two Die Hard movies. Beltrami’s regular filmmaking partners include Wes Craven (Scream 1-4, Dracula 2000), Guillermo del Toro (Mimic, Hellboy), James Mangold (3:10 to Yuma, The Wolverine) and Tommy Lee Jones (The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, The Homesman). His previous release with MovieScore Media was the Danish television mini-series 1864.

MMS18002 • MATHILDE (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Music Composed by MARCO BELTRAMI
Release date (digital): March 16, 2018
Release date (CD): April, 2018 (Quartet Records)
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 16.3.2018 12:26 - Pošta (17:15) 1732
TT: 60:11
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 16.3.2018 01:42 - Pošta (17:15) 1731
Matilda1. Twilight of the Empire (3:55)
2. Mathilde and the Balloon Ride (2:55)
3. Church Chase and Train Crash (3:16)
4. Exposed (3:16)
5. Obstacle Course (2:15)
6. Séance (2:21)
7. Fishel’s Holograph (1:46)
8. Tent Attack (2:09)
9. To Moscow (1:50)
10. Train Kiss (1:59)
11. Bear Attack (2:30)
12. Dance Fight (3:05)
13. Dress Reversal (1:40)
14. Gassing the Raft (5:02)
15. Tent Neckless (2:20)
16. Running Away (2:03)
17. The Fall (1:45)
18. Coronation (2:10)
19. Happiness (2:34)
20. Dark Coronation (2:52)
21. Dream Kiss (3:52)
22. End Credits (2:13)
23. Mathilde’s Theme (2:24)
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 1.3.2018 21:58 - Pošta (17:15) 1730
hmmmm... lákavý :)


Česká republika brzy zažije výjimečnou kulturní událost nejvyšší světové úrovně. Do Prahy přijede přední světové hudební těleso, nejlepší ruský hudební soubor, kterým je Symfonický orchestr Mariinského divadla v Petrohradě. Orchestr Mariinsky bude dirigovat jeho ředitel, hvězdný Valery Gergiev. Koncert se koná v pátek 23. března ve Smetanově síni pražského Obecního domu.
Pražský koncert je součástí turné po nejvýznamnějších světových koncertních sálech. Orchestr Mariinského divadla s dirigentem Valerijem Gergievem v jeho rámci vystupují mj. v Royal Albert Hall v rámci BBC Proms v Londýně, v sále Belínských filharmoniků či v Carnegie Hall v New Yorku.

MARIINSKY ORCHESTRA - Orchestr Mariinského divadla
Orchestr Mariinského divadla patří k nejstarším v Rusku. Jeho historie navazuje na první petrohradský Královský operní orchestr založený před více než 200 lety.
Podle výsledků průzkumu předních hudebních kritiků a publicistů Ameriky, Asie a Evropy je Orchestr Mariinského divadla jedním z nejlepších orchestrů světa. Mariinsky orchestra pod vedením Valerije Gergieva na svých cestách už zavítal do více než třiceti zemí. V současnosti je prestižním hostem na všech velkých světových pódiích včetně Salcburského festivalu, Carnegie Hall a Metropolitní opery.

Valery Gergiev už jako student konzervatoře zvítězil ve vysoce prestižní dirigentské soutěži Herberta von Karajana. Získal angažmá v Mariinském divadle, kde se v pětatřiceti letech stal uměleckým šéfem opery a od roku 1996 tam působí jako umělecký a generální ředitel.
Jako jeden z nejvýznamnějších dirigentů světa spolupracuje Gergiev s nejlepšími hudebními tělesy. V roce 2003 se stal prvním ruským dirigentem po Čajkovském, který dirigoval slavnostní zahajovací večer Carnegie Hall. Je čestným členem a hostujícím dirigentem orchestru Filarmonica della Scala. Byl zvolen děkanem Fakulty umění na Petrohradské státní univerzitě a také čestným předsedou Edinburského mezinárodního festivalu. V letech 2007-2015 byl hlavním dirigentem Londýnského symfonického orchestru, od roku 2015 je Valery Gergiev šéfdirigentem Mnichovské filharmonie. Pravidelně spolupracuje s Metropolitní operou, Vídeňskou, Berlínskou, Rotterdamskou či Newyorskou filharmonií.
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 26.2.2018 12:11 - Pošta (17:15) 1729
takže kolikrát?
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 26.2.2018 12:11 - Pošta (17:15) 1728
no konečně!!
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 22.2.2018 18:31 - Pošta (17:15) 1727
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 10.2.2018 22:28 - Pošta (17:15) 1726
During our conversation Marco and I talked about the following subjects: his best scores and most challenging projects to date, the Scream franchise, collaborating with directors such as Wes Craven, Guillermo del Toro, Alex Proyas & how he met his long-time collaborator Buck Sanders. Furthermore, Marco talks about his former teacher, the legendary Jerry Goldsmith, temp tracks, his scores for Live Free or Die Hard, A Good Day to Die Hard, Terminator 3, Snowman & one of his most recent projects - A Quiet Place.

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